happy herri

Berusaha Untuk Selalu Yang Terbaik, dan Hargai Semua hidupmu. Buat hari-harimu Menjadi lebih Berarti. Jangan Pernah Ada Putus Asa Apabila Saat Kita Sedang Menghadapi Masalah.

Analisa, Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Informasi Penjualan Pelumas

TUGAS :  Implementasi Sistem Informasi

Analisa, Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Informasi
    Penjualan Pelumas
Studi Kasus : Perusahaan “PT. Pro Roll International”
A company as an organization that has a tendency toward profit, always needs a computerized system to be used in collecting, saving and processing the data to produce the information that will support the company in business strategy planning and making the business decision effectively. “PT. Pro Roll International” is an oil distribution company that located in Bandung. The company has been using manual system in supporting business related activities since established in 2005. The manual system has become a problem for the company to handle the daily business related activities that increase continually every year. So that, the company decides use computerized system. Moving to computerized system will be included three steps: analysis, design and implementation. The tools will support the process of system analysis and design, as follow: Data Flow Diagram, Data Structure, Process Specification, ER-Diagram, Database Schema and User Interface Design Sketch. The tools that will be used to implement the system are PHP, MySQL, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax).
This paper explains about the process of analysis, design and implementation selling oil information system in “PT. Pro Roll International”.

Keywords : Data Flow Diagram, ER-Diagram, Information System, Penjualan
1. Pendahuluan

                   Seiring dengan semakin ketatnya persaingan dalam dunia bisnis, keberadaan pengolahan data menjadi informasi secara terkomputerisasi menjadi sangat penting. Hal itu dikarenakan pengolahan data secara terkomputerisasi dapat memberikan kontribusi yang besar untuk kinerja suatu perusahaan. Jika dibandingkan pengolahan data secara manual, pengolahan data secara terkomputerisasi memiliki kelebihan, seperti: pengolahan data yang cepat dan akurat, mendukung pengolahan data dalam skala besar.
                   Perusahaan sebagai organisasi yang memiliki kecenderungan orientasi pada laba, selalu membutuhkan sistem yang terkomputerisasi dalam mengumpulkan, menyimpan, dan memproses data untuk menghasilkan informasi yang dapat membantu perusahaan dalam melakukan perencanaan strategi dan pengambilan suatu keputusan secara efektif. Tanpa adanya sistem yang terkomputerisasi, perusahaan akan menghadapi kendala untuk mendapatkan informasi yang aktual dan akurat. Hal itu dapat disebabkan oleh proses pengumpulan dan pengolahan data masih dilakukan secara manual. Dengan bantuan sistem yang terkomputerisasi pula informasi dapat dikelola dengan baik, sehingga dapat menciptakan efisien biaya.
                    Perusahaan “PT. Pro Roll International” merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan pelumas. Pada saat ini sistem informasi penjualan pada perusahaan “PT. Pro Roll International” masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga kinerjanya belum efektif. Hal itu tercermin pada seringnya terjadi keterlambatan penyusunan laporan penjualan dan piutang dagang, kesalahan pencatatan dan perhitungan persediaan, serta pengulangan dalam pencatatan transaksi. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan “PT. Pro Roll International” bermaksud mengkomputerisasikan sistem bagian penjualan untuk memaksimalkan kinerjanya. Diharapkan setelah sistem informasi penjualan dikomputerisasi, maka pengumpulan, penyimpanan, dan pengolahan data transaksi dapat dilakukan secara akurat dan cepat.

Berikut ini adalah gambar proses bisnis perusahaan mulai dari pengadaan pelumas sampai penjualannya.


avenged sevenfold

Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God Lyrics

avenged sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold

A Lonely Road
Crossed Another
Cold State Line
Miles away
From those I Love
Purpose hard to Find

While I Recall all the World
i Spoke to me
Can't help but wish that
i Was There
back Where I'd love to be..

oh yeah..

Dear God
The Only think I ask
of you is
to hold her when
i'm not around
When I'm Much
too Far away

We all
Need the person
who Can be
True to you
But I left her when
I found Her
And Now i wish
i'd Stayed

'Cause i'm Lonely
and i'm Tired
i'm Missing You
again Oh No..

Once Again

There's Nothing
Her For Me on
The Barren Road
There's No One
Here While The
City Sleeps
and all the shops
Are closed

Can't Help but
think of the times
i've had With You
Pictures and some
Memories will have
to help me through

Oh Yeah..

Dear God
The Only think I ask
of you is
to hold her when
i'm not around
When I'm Much
too Far away

We all
Need the person
who Can be
True to you
But I left her when
I found Her
And Now i wish
i'd Stayed

'Cause i'm Lonely
and i'm Tired
i'm Missing You
again Oh No..

Once Again

Some Search,
Never Finding away
Before Love They
Waste away
I found You
Something told Me
to stay

I gave in,
to selfish ways
and how i Miss
Some One to Hold
When hope Begins
to Fade

A Lonely Road
Crossed Another
Cold State Line
Miles away
From those I Love
Purpose hard to Find

Dear God
The Only think I ask
of you is
to hold her when
i'm not around
When I'm Much
too Far away

We all
Need the person
who Can be
True to you
But I left her when
I found Her
And Now i wish
i'd Stayed

'Cause i'm Lonely
and i'm Tired
i'm Missing You
again Oh No..

Once Again



[ thanks to EdoyE_LoseR[at]Capcai.com for submit this lyric ]

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Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting Lyrics

Oceans apart day after day and I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line but it doesn't stop the pain
If I see you next to never how can we say forever

* Wherever you go whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted, all the times that I though would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears but I can't get near you now
Oh, can't you see it baby you've got me goin' crazy

[Repeat *]

I wonder how we can survive this romance
But in the end if I'm with you I'll take the chance
Oh, can't you see it baby you've got me goin' crazy

[Repeat *]

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